Bringing crystal clear, incisive & inspiring help from the world’s leading experts to those of us who need it most.

The MenoChannel is produced by Intuitive Events Ltd, a health-based multi-platform events company. We’re dedicated to helping others who are experiencing similar health issues to ones that we have faced, either personally or as parents.

Since 2009, we have proudly organised The Fertility Show, the UK’s only live event dedicated to helping those who cannot conceive naturally to find a route to parenthood.

Our Let’s all Talk Online Hubs bring weekly expert-led sessions and vast on-demand libraries of resources to audiences across three subjects:

Let’s all Talk Fertility

Let’s all Talk Teen Mental Health

Let’s all Talk Menopause.

Intuitive Events is also the organisational and marketing team behind Menopause Mandate, a collaborative lobby group of journalists, experts, celebrities, MPs & campaigners pushing for changes in education, policy & societal attitudes for mid-life women.

2023 also sees the introduction of the Women in Work Summit taking place in London and New York this Autumn. This one-day, super-charged, in-person Summit & wrap-around Digital Agenda focuses on how to prioritise and implement women’s health policies - from menstruation to menopause - that keep women in work & drive competitive advantage.

At the heart of the the company’s ethos is one of Profit for Purpose - to give the most comprehensive direct access to the very best experts, research, information and support to those of us who need it most.

Your Session Host: Melissa Ashley

Melissa started her career in advertising before moving into digital sales, marketing and the large scale events business. She has overseen programming and content development for a diverse array of organizations from the DoubleClick Network to the 14th largest tradeshow in the United States.

As a female Gen X’er, she is intimately familiar with peri and menopause. And like many of us, is frustrated by the lack of support and awareness there is for this life transition. After a lot of research she thankfully came to the realization that she wasn’t losing her mind and that help was available. But also that this ending of the reproductive life cycle deserves as much time and attention as the onset known as puberty. A single mother by choice, Melissa has a thirteen-year-old daughter who she will soon be sharing mood swings with.

Let’s all Talk Founders

Laura Biggs

This is Laura - she is the one who has loads of good ideas and works every second of every day. Even when she’s asleep or indeed laying awake in the middle of the night. 

Three years ago, at 47, with some help from modern medicine, Laura had a baby. Laura also has a son who is 16, so is currently parenting a teen and a toddler which, let’s face it, would take a lot out of anyone. And then along comes the peri menopause!

Her motivation for launching the MenoChannel is to help others who, like her, are struggling to understand what is happening to our bodies and minds during the midlife and to help get access to experts to help navigate our way to getting the right treatment for at this important stage of life. 

Melissa Ashley

This is Melissa - she is the US counterpart of Laura - equally as hard working but known more for her strategic thinking and ability to execute. Melissa and Laura started working together on a project and quickly recognized a common interest in the need to help women recognize symptoms of menopause and better yet, alleviate them.

Melissa started her journey into peri/menopause a few years back but can’t pinpoint when due to all of the rounds of IVF she went through to have her daughter. Suffice it to say, the transition from IVF drug-induced mood swings to menopause-induced mood swings was seamless.

Her intention for launching the MenoChannel is to create a safe space for women to learn more about the signs and symptoms of menopause, ask questions of experts, uncover options to alleviate symptoms and commiserate.

And she would be thrilled if the MenoChannel ultimately helped create national dialogue on the topic in the United States.