Advocating for yourself during Menopause with Dr Alexa Fiffick

Menopause comes with a mixed bag of symptoms beyond the infamous hot flashes. From sleep issues to brain fog and vaginal dryness, these signs can signal the onset of menopause. Knowing what to look out for helps you take charge of your health.

Talking to Your Doc

Got menopause symptoms? Book a chat with your doctor, but not during your regular check-up. You want their full attention, so make it a special visit. Be upfront about what you're feeling and ask about your options. If you're not getting the support you need, it's okay to look for a second opinion or find a menopause specialist.

“My recommendation would be, make a problem visit with your physician and say I have these problems. I want to talk about perimenopause or menopause…it is a full dedicated appointment for it. So you don’t get rushed out the door.”

Stand Up for Your Health

If you feel brushed off, speak up. Ask your doctor to refer you to someone who's got the menopause know-how if they don't. Use online tools like the North American Menopause Society's website ( to find experts. Keep up with the latest menopause news to make sure you're getting current advice.

“How should we be advocating for ourselves? Because it seems to be a huge issue for women in general, we’re always warriors, right? We’re supposed to be able to take it and brush it off. But this doesn’t tend to get better on its own.”

The Silent Stuff

Menopause can sneak up on your heart and bones, too. Start the health chats with your doc around 40, and keep tabs on things like blood pressure and cholesterol. Hormone therapy might be a game-changer for both symptoms and preventing bigger health issues down the line.

Quick Tips

Menopause is a journey, but you've got this. Understand the signs, talk openly with your healthcare provider, and don't be shy about advocating for your health. Stay informed, stay proactive, and remember, you're not going through this alone.



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